
Learning English episode 1.


Tonight is Tuesday night alone in my room. Of course la….I rent this room for myself only. No wonder …Im alone. What I try to mean is my housemate is outside for a dinner. I just having a dinner in my room. Bungkus nasik jer la….
What is going to be a title for my third post ha?
Well, I guess I better write about what I have learn in English class so far in this semester.
First class, we’ve been teach by our lecturer a proper way to use English dictionary. She explains to us what the content in the dictionary are. Most of dictionaries provide the following information.
1. Guide words (the words at the top of each page)
2. Spelling (how the word and its different forms are spelled)
3. Pronunciation (how to say the word)
4. Part of speech(the function of the word)
5. Definition(the meaning of the word)
6. Synonyms (words that have similar meanings)
7. Etymology(the history of the word)
Resources: Hands out given by Miss Amille in the class

Lesson learns: Knowing how to use dictionaries in a better way.

Second class, we learn about Synonyms and antonyms and we having some game. For all my friend who forgot about the game. Here are the words that Miss Amille use in the “about Synonyms and antonyms” game.
Asleep – awake
brave - coward
Below – above
Stranger - Friend
City- village
Exit - Entrance
Top – bottom
Forward – Backward
Dull- Interesting
Warm – cool
Bright – Dark
Sink - float
Best – Worst
Foolish - Wise
Take – give
Win – Lose

Lesson learns: By having this kind of game, I can know a new words for synonyms and antonyms.

p/s : For the 3rd and 4th class, see you in the next post! Bubye (“,)

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