
I. A.M S.O.R.R.Y M.I.S.S A.M.I.L.L.E!


First thing first, I would like to sorry because I dint update my blog for a long time. Not that because im busy. Besides that is not a good reason to escape. That is because I found the main problem is I don’t know what to write. I try to find the idea since all my friend keep updating their blog. I feel so ashamed to my English lecturer, Miss Amille and also my friends. And then I start review most of the blog written by the classmates. I think of myself, where they get so many idea to write such a thing in their blog. In fact, some of them are really a good blogger.
Finally, I find that keyword of all this is they keep trying to create, to write for their blog and I should be one of them. In the second class, Miss Amilee gives the idea what to write for the post. She said that we can write about what we’ve learn in the class every week in English class. For example, for the first class, we’ve learn about reading skills. But, guest what! I still dint update my blog. I feel ashamed if I use a broken English. Trust me, Im not so influence in English although I used almost 50% English words for my everyday’s life. So show off haaa!...suka ati aku la…
The result is, no matter what, I have to write something in my blog so that I can prove that by using a blog, people can really practicing use a good word and enhances their written skills especially when they write in English. This also a good way to practicing an English word and maybe find some idea from reading other people blog.
I guessed that'S all for now, see you in the next post!

p/s : I really need a comment from the expert.

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