



For the new followers, I said welcome to my blog. For this post I will included an essay for the transition assignment. Actually, I wrote this in 2003 just for fun. I wrote with my friends at primary school to submit to school magazine. I change a little bit so that I can add a suitable transition words (I think!)
Here are the essays!


Most of us start our live at homes. For the first twelve years, children live with their parents. In fact, most of us stay at home with our family until we have our own career and family. Therefore, children get their informal education such as “what to do” and “what not to do” from their loving family. This informal is very important in shaping a child. A child who lives in a good surrounding with good, caring parents and happy family will learn the positive attitudes in lives. As a result, the child will have a strong character and manage to choose whatever is good for him.

A survey in early education in USA shows that at the age of 0-6 years old, the children are actually absorb about 90% from their environment, either its good or bad. In other words, parent plays an important role in influencing the children attitude. In the same way, children would not get involve in negative activities outside their home if they have been fully guided and rightfully brought up by their family. This is reflected in their physical health as well as their ability to function well socially and academically.

Besides, a meaningful saying goes “if you wish to see the rainbow you have to put up the rain”. Again, parents are the person who will be benefits of their children success should have more time and opportunity to be with their children, especially during the holiday. For example, thinking parents will gives all out to ensure their children get the best from them. Even though they are busy, they still can plan to spend quality time with their children whenever possible.

Truly, good values take a long time to develop and the best people to convey them are the parents by practicing good examples, showing them what to do and how to act. They should let their children know that the parents expect of their children by giving them clear and firm instruction. They should also give ample warnings of what might happen if the rules are broken. For this reason, the parents should start doing this from the early age as at the age of 5-6 years old, as the children are actually ready to accept and understand instruction.

In addition, we can conclude that home is the best place for their children to learn about discipline especially self-discipline. The good homes values instilled by their parents since they were babies will guide them where ever they go and whatever they do in their lives. In conclusion it is no doubt that is up to their parents to instill good homes values in their children for them to face a more challenging life ahead.

P/s: Please comment my essay!...I mean the word I used and so on….


Unknown said...

It was very informative. Thanks a lot.It was really beneficial for the readers.

Unknown said...

Your information is so informative and it has helped me so much to answer some questions given to me.

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