
EFC 603 - How hard it is?


First of all, Hello and welcome to my page.

As you know, my name is Mohd Izham bin Anwar. I came from Guar Chempedak, Kedah (sejam jer dari Jitra!). So....this is my first ever blog in my life, no experience enough....wakakakaka....I wonder what im going to post in my first blog. Well, since this blog is created because to complete the EFC (SPA 603) Syllabus....I decided that my entry will be title as per....well u all can see what?!.....

1. How hard is English?
2. When do I start use english word ever in my life?
3. Am I good enough to speak in english?

Well, Im very interested to learn new language especially english...thats why im always speak english in my everyday life.
I dont even care wether it turn to "good english" or "broken english".I use to learning some english word or english term everyday and every time in my life. Besides that, I also use to learn all that thing from...what we call that as "surat khabar"
Paper laaaa.....!!...hihihihihi....

Ok, I think thats all for now.....so many idea to write....but i dont want to sounds "melalut" , "beleteaq" and so on!

So.....Thank you!!

p/s : This is my experience blogging. Pelase take consideration if you want to comment